Improvement Projects to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays

Home For The Holidays 


As the weather slowly changes and the fall season starts peeking around the corner, your thoughts may turn to the upcoming winter holidays. If you enjoy having parties for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve or other holidays, then you want your home to look its best. Here are a few home improvement projects to invest in now so you can be ready for the holidays later.

Give the Kitchen a Facelift

You don’t have to invest in a whole new kitchen to enjoy a fresh look. If you have wood cabinets that feature a dated color, then consider refinishing them with a fresh coat of stain or paint. The mild weather of fall gives you the perfect time because you can leave the windows open to help dissipate fumes. Finish the look with a fresh color on the walls, new hardware on the doors and updated décor.

Improve the Look with Lighting

Change the lighting around your home to give it a fresh look that’s sure to impress. Dated ceiling fans can be replaced with chandeliers or more modern fans. Consider making the upgrade to wall sconces to spread the light out across the room and make it more attractive.

Consider Natural Lighting

As the days shorten, you lose natural light in the home. Take advantage of the sunlight as much as possible by adding skylights. Tubular skylights make this a relatively easy and affordable home improvement. Special reflective tubes connect a roof skylight with a smaller opening inside your interior ceiling. The natural light floods this tube during the day and can effectively brighten a dark hallway or interior bathroom.

Update Doors and Windows

Nothing draws attention to your doors and windows like holiday decorations. Wreaths guarantee that visitors to your home will take a good look at the front door, so you want it to look great. Inside the home, there are countless ways to dress up your doors and add a festive touch, but you don’t want to do this on a damaged or dated door. Make your home interior more attractive by replacing your doors with modern, raised-panel options that look great. When you go with energy efficient doors and windows, you’ll make the house look great even as you lower your energy bills.

The Best Time for New Flooring

With holiday parties looming, this is the best time to replace your worn carpet. Go with carpeting that has stain preventers built in so that you won’t have to worry as much about accidental spills. A better option is hardwood flooring that looks incredible, adds value to your home and is easy to care for.

All of these improvement projects can easily be done during the fall season, and most of them are surprisingly affordable. You’ll give your home a fresh look that will have it ready for your holiday décor. Whether you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner or considering a big bash for the New Year, you’ll love how the house looks once the renovations are done and your decorations are in place.

Contributed by Tim Smith 
Tim Smith writes for Modernize.